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Area 51: Covfefe23/7/2019 Over the past week, I have been experimenting with the watercolours that I purchased last Tuesday. Drawing inspirations from the artists I showed last week, I was able to develop some decent progress pieces, and I am quite happy with the results. Using my memory of the Gorillaz music video for El Manana, I developed these two inspired artworks: I challenged myself last week by trying to convert pixel art into a watercolour piece. For this challenge, I used the character Sans from Undertale. After these were completed, I felt more confident with the medium and have developed two pieces that I am happy to continue with. As these works are only at an A4 size, I wanted to make the scenery a little more open than what I normally would. I am happy with the quality that I have produced so far as they maintain the cohesive subject matter as per my previous works. As throughout my previous studio class, I have always added a little touch of comedic essence to my work. Last trimester was a sausage themed music festival. This trimester has touched on the idea of wearing a mask to hide your inner demons which has been present throughout. The Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop Us All meme is a nice addition to this ideology as it allows for a comedic way for me to tell an additional narrative to my work. The next piece will be heavily influenced by this meme. Prepare yourself. It only gets weirder from here. References:
Gorillaz. (2012). El Manana [Image]. Retrieved from https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/353142915.webp?mw=900&mh=506 Sans from Undertale. (2019). [Image]. Retrieved from https://art.pixilart.com/2ca242f8be5dda9.png KnowYourMeme. (2019). Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop Us All [Image]. Retrieved from https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/511/006/614.png
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